Dr. Carole Monica Burnett, Ph.D.
Maryland, USA

Vice Chair of the Board of Directors/ Outreach
Staff Editor, The Catholic University of America Press

Dr. Carole Monica C. Burnett, the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors/ Outreach of the Jerusalem Peace Institute, is the editor of the Fathers of the Church series, an expanding collection of early Christian texts translated from Greek, Latin, and Syriac, published by the Catholic University of America Press. She is the co-editor of What Jerusalem Means to Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections (2021). She also served as the sole book editor and the author of a chapter in Zionism through Christian Lenses: Ecumenical Perspectives (2013). Having visited the Holy Land seven times, she is eager to contribute to positive efforts towards equality and justice for all its residents. On the domestic front, she is concerned about anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab, and anti-Muslim bias in U.S. news publications. She has retired from teaching Church History at the Ecumenical Institute of Theology of St. Mary’s Seminary & University in Baltimore, as well as Greek and Latin at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, DC. She serves as the HCEF Advocacy Outreach Coordinator and the co-Chair of the HCEF Research and Publication Committee.

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